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デザイナーデュオ能登夫妻 / Noto Fusai

デザイナーデュオ能登夫妻 / designer duo Noto Fusai



能登夫妻ポートレイト 岡山県北端の山村で、小さな娘と、中くらいの犬とともに、ものづくりを営む夫婦二人のユニットです。



Who's designer duo Noto Fusai?

We, Noto(=our family name) Fusai(=wife and husband) are "self-production" product designer duo, who undertake ourselves the whole process of production, from ideation, choice of factory, sometimes manufacture by our own hands, promotion, sales, to designing and programing of the own website (this website).

That's why we can produce the different products from the mass-produced ordinary items.


Tシャツブランド「シキサイ」ブラインド グラフィックTシャツのように見えてよく見ると立体の遊びがついていたり、絵画のように見えて実は機能が隠されていたり・・・。



Noto Fusai's works

SHIKISAI alternative T-shirts, Blind - Venetian blind T-shirts, which you can actually open by pulling the rope attached to the T-shirts.

- Series of printed canvas, a part of which actually functions.

We are specialized for the products to give people fresh surprise & "aha!" feeling.